The Road to "WELLTHY"

Welcome to your personal GPS

coach to get you from lost and in pieces

to peace and purpose

Stop Low Balling Your Greatness

You may know you are stuck in a rut if you feel like you are going through the motions without making progress or feeling fulfilled. You may also notice a lack of enthusiasm or motivation, a sense of boredom or stagnation, or a feeling of being stuck in a routine without much variation. Additionally, you may find that your thoughts and behaviors are repetitive and predictable, and that you are not achieving your goals or pursuing new interests.


Be Intentional

Life is full of opportunities, and over-thinking keeps you from the life you want and deserve.


From Trauma to Victory

My life is in no way perfect, but if it was, how would I be able to help you?

All Services

15 minutes

Rescue Me a Little Longer

Coaching For Tween and Teens

Dashana Jefferies

I was My Biggest Enemy

2018 I planned and tried to end it all.

It was the worst year of my life, that turned

into the best year of my life.

Make sure you click on "find out more", to discover

the rest of my journey

Dashana's Features

Meet 10 Yr old author Leah Jefferies

The Tribe has Spoken

Annette M.

I have to say I have been at a loss since 2013. I am trying to find myself and you and your group have really helped me. Thank you!

Chashe W.

Girl! I am so grateful for you and your Passport group. I never post in the group, but you have given nuggets that were right on time. Thank you for your vision.

Toni H.

A point from the Namaste My Soul Zoom Call that has stuck with me all day is: "Don't push back your personal boundaries to appease others. Give NO discounts."

I love it!!! Thank you ladies...❤🙏🏾

Teneika G.

Dashana Jefferies Thank you for the boost of confidence 🤗. I have to learn to love the parts of me I can’t change and adjust the things I can.

N'kele B.

The assignment I stressed about & pushed through, I found out I got an 95 on it & my teacher is going to use it as an exemplary example going forward. Thanks for the words of encouragement! ❤️❤️

Iris M.

Thank you for the wonderful group session today.

Samuel S.

I appreciate this so much! I'm doing great now.I feel better. I took your advice.

The Tribe has Spoken

The Purpose Intended

Let's Get Social

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